Séminaires "Ethical issues, law & novel applications of AI"

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Lieu de l'événement
Alan Turing Building, Palaiseau


Dans le cadre de son Master "Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing", le LIX, avec le soutien de l'Institut DATAIA, organise tous les mardi de 14h à 15h30 des séminaires sur le thème "Ethical issues, law & novel applications of AI".
Toutes les dates des séminaires
Corps de texte
  • January 15 - Ethical questions in the biometrics industry, Sarah Lannes, Research engineer, IDEMIA

Abstract: The rise of IA has brought many ethical questions to light in the public and legal spheres. However even before this, ethics and legal matters have always been an intrinsic part of the biometrics field of research due to its very nature. We will present both the legal and technical challenges that we encounter and the solutions we propose.

Bio: Sarah Lannes has been a Research Engineer with Idemia for five years; her main focus is face detections and video analysis. She graduated from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon and Penn State University (MS) and went on to join Let it Wave as a research engineer focusing on image and video processing for a range of applications from geological exploration and satellite imaging to deinterlacing and video super-resolution.

  • January 22 - From data protection to data empowerment : how can humans keep the upper hand? Geoffrey DELCROIX, Direction des technologies et de l’innovation, CNIL
  • January 29 - Fighting blindness with bionic eyes, Vincent Bismuth, Pixium Vision.
  • February 12 - Kernel methods for genetics - Jean-Philippe Vert, Google Paris.
  • February 19 - Is ethics computable? - Milad Doueihi, philosopher specialist of digital sciences, Université Paris-Sorbonne
  • March 5 - Learning Prosthetics Design : Function, Shape, Style - François Faure, Anatoscope
  • March 12 - Gender issues in AI, chatbots & robots - Laurence Devillers, LIMSI & Paris-Sorbonne University