🌳 AI & Environment Day, co-organized with Graduate School Géosciences

9am. Welcome and introduction - Cécile Mallet
9:15am-10:15am. Session 1 - Chair : Cécile Mallet
9:15am. Martin Schwartz (LSCE) et Fajwel Fogel (ENS)
Artificial intelligence estimation of canopy height from satellite and lidar imagery
9:45am. Nicolas Viltard (LATMOS)
Deep Learning & Spatial observation of precipitation
10:15am-10:45am. Round-table with industrials actors "Trustworthy AI"- Chair : Céline Hudelot
Habiboulaye Amadou-Boubacar (Air Liquide)
Julie Richon (Capgemini)
François Mercier (HD Rain)
10:45am-11am. Coffee break
11am-12:30pm. Session 2 - Chair : Soulivanh Thao
11am. Claire Monteleoni (INRIA Paris - Choose France Chaire en IA)
AI Research for Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
11:30am. Lucia Clarotto (Inrae)
Spatio-temporal random fields on meshed surfaces defined from advection-diffusion SPDEs : application to environmental data
12pm. Samira Aka (LSCE, Square Management, Supélec)
Discrete Multivariate Generalized Pareto Distribution with Application to Droughts
12:15pm. Mélanie Bosc (DPHY, ONERA)
Predicting thunderstorm risk using neural networks
12:30pm-2pm. Lunch break
2pm-3pm. Session 3 - Chair : Gilles Faÿ
2pm. Nina Otter (Inria Paris-Saclay)
A topological perspective on weather regimes
2:30pm. Baptiste Guigal (thèse CIFRE LATMOS, Bowen)
Machine learning and traditional methods for precipitation nowcasting using Radar Data
2:45pm. Nathalie Bertrand (IRSN)
Assessment of climate extremes in a changing climate for consideration in the nuclear safety approach
3pm-3:15pm. Small break
3:15pm-3:45pm. Round-table with industrials actors "Generative AI" - Chair : Myriam Tami
Yann Richet (IRSN)
Bertrand Leroy (Renault)
Victor Bouvier (Suez)
3:45pm. Conclusion of the meeting - Gilles Faÿ
■ Gilles Faÿ (MICS/CentraleSupélec)
■ Cécile Mallet (LATMOS/UVSQ)
■ Soulivahn Thao (LSCE)
■ Eric Tordjeman (Institut DATAIA)