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septembre 2024
Focus on the summer school "Machine Learning and Materials Discovery", to be held at Institute Pascal of Paris-Saclay University (France), on 9-13 Sept. 2024.
Summer Schools
septembre 2024
WORKSHOP | "Mathematical foundations of AI" - 4th edition
Join us on September 12 at SCAI (Paris), for the fourth edition of the day dedicated to the foundations of AI mathematics!
Conferences / Workshops
septembre 2024
The Junior Conference on Data Science and Engineering (JDSE) 2024 takes place on September 26 and 27 for its 9th edition!
Conferences / Workshops
octobre 2024
Séminaires Interdisciplinaires - GS ISN, GS SP & l’OI Hub PASREL
Launched in December 2023, as part of the University of Paris-Saclay's scientific strategy to develop collaborations between Graduate Schools (GS) and Interdisciplinary Objects (IO) to address priority research issues by 2030, the series of joint seminars between the GS Informatique, Sciences du Numérique (GS ISN) and Public Health (GS SP) and the IO Hub PasRel continues with the aim of bringing collaborative projects to the fore in the fields of AI and digital health.
Conferences / Workshops
october 2024
Paris Generative AI Autumn School
Don't miss the Paris Generative AI Autumn School, from October 21 to 25, 2024, on the Université Paris-Saclay Campus!
Summer Schools