ELLIS is a scientific network designed to strengthen European research in artificial intelligence, by promoting exchanges between nodes bringing together local researchers in the field.
Winner of the second ELLIS call for proposals, the Paris node is the first in France. Comprising scientists from the main research and higher education establishments involved in AI in the Ile-de-France region (PSL Université, Sorbonne Université, Université de Paris and Université Paris-Saclay) and two national research organizations (CNRS and Inria), the Paris node also builds on the momentum of three Ile-de-France artificial intelligence research initiatives, DATAIA, PRAIRIE and SCAI. This new entity will enable Parisian researchers and students to participate in the scientific activities of the ELLIS network. Scientific collaborations will be fostered through coordinated teaching programs, conferences, seminars and scholarships.
This initiative complements other initiatives to promote the European AI ecosystem, such as the CLAIRE network, and is in line with the dynamics of the French National Artificial Intelligence Research Plan.