« AI Chairs » : 16 out of 40 are connected to the DATAIA Institute

« AI Chairs » : 16 out of 40 are connected to the DATAIA Institute
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On 12 December 2019, the National Research Agency published the results of the call for projects « AI Chairs », launched last April.
Among the 40 selected, several researchers are part of the DATAIA Institute's ecosystem.
Among the 40 selected, several researchers are part of the DATAIA Institute's ecosystem.
Corps de texte
The call for « Research and Teaching chairs in artificial intelligence » aims precisely to offer French and foreign researchers, with the support of host institutions, substantial resources to build a team and carry out an ambitious project whose visible impact is expected.
Among the selected projects, many are carried out by researchers who are involved in the activity of the DATAIA Institute :
- Alexandre Gramfort (Inria) - BrAIN
- Bertrand Thirion (Inria, scientific director of the DATAIA Institute ) - KARAIB
- Edouard Duchesnay (CEA) – Big2small
- Éric Moulines (École Polytechnique, former member of the Board of the DATAIA Institute) – SCAI
- Fabian Suchanek (Télécom Paris, member of the Board of the DATAIA Institute) – NoRDF
- Fréderic Chazal (Inria) – TopAI
- Gaël Varoquaux (Inria, leader of the research project funded by the DATAIA Institute « MissingBigData ») - LearnI
- Gilles Blanchard (Université Paris-Saclay) – BisCottE
- Ioana Manolescu (Inria, École Polytechnique) - SourcesSay
- Isabelle Guyon (Université Paris-Saclay) – HUMANIA
- Jean-Christophe Pesquet (CentraleSupélec) - BRIDGEABLE
- Jean-François Mangin (CEA) - FOLDDICO
- Laurence Devillers (Université Sorbonne, CNRS, member of the Board of the DATAIA Institute, and leader of the research project funded by the DATAIA Institute « Bad Nudge - Bad Robot? ») – HUMAAINE
- Maks Ovsjanikov (École polytechnique) - AIGRETTE
- Michalis Vazirgiannis (École polytechnique, leader of the research project funded by the DATAIA Institute « Smart Lawyer ») - AML-HELAS
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National AI Chairs selected
AI Chairs from Paris-Saclay
years of funding
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