📢 [🔴 CLOSED] COFUND DeMythif.AI - Call for international applications

📢 [🔴 CLOSED] COFUND DeMythif.AI - Call for international applications
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The European Commission has selected the COFUND DeMythif.AI project led by DATAIA Institute for Paris-Saclay University.
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This €3M funding will co-finance around 20 theses for the start of the 2025 academic year on the theme of “AI and uncertainties”: controlling uncertainties, managing explicability, encouraging frugality, across a wide spectrum of applications in fundamental or applied sciences and engineering. These themes are deliberately open to enable a broad integration of issues in and around AI within Paris-Saclay.
DeMythif.AI is supported by CNRS, CEA, INRIA, INRAE and Onera, as well as by IFPEN, LNE and ILLS, GIS LARTISSTE, industries EDF, GE Healthcare, IBM, RTE, Safran, Sanofi, SLB, startups Quantmetry, Cairnbio, LightOn and Phimeca.
The DeMythif.AI 2024 call for international applications
is open until January 17, 2025!
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