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Le Séminaire Palaisien
Le Séminaire Palaisien gathers, every first Tuesday of the month, the vast research community of Saclay around statistics and machine learning.
Upcoming Seminars
Aucun séminaire à venir pour le moment.
Past Seminars
Date de l'événement (intitulé)
May 14th, 2024 - 12:00
Every first Tuesday of the month, the Palaisien seminar brings together Saclay's vast research community to discuss statistics and machine learning.
Date de l'événement (intitulé)
April 2, 2024 - 12:00
Every first Tuesday of the month, the Palaisien seminar brings together Saclay's vast research community to discuss statistics and machine learning.
Date de l'événement (intitulé)
January 9th, 2024 - 12pm
Every first Tuesday of the month, the Palaisien seminar brings together Saclay's vast research community to discuss statistics and machine learning.
Date de l'événement (intitulé)
October 3rd, 2023 - 12:15pm
Le "Séminaire Palaisien" gathers, every first Tuesday of the month, the vast research community of Saclay around statistics and machine learning.
Date de l'événement (intitulé)
September 5th, 2023 - 12pm
Le "Séminaire Palaisien" gathers, every first Tuesday of the month, the vast research community of Saclay around statistics and machine learning.
Date de l'événement (intitulé)
June 6th, 2023 - 12pm
Le "Séminaire Palaisien" gathers, every first Tuesday of the month, the vast research community of Saclay around statistics and machine learning.