Calls for projects

You can find information on our calls for projects in this section.

The DATAIA Institute gives to doctoral students around the world the opportunity to collaborate with DATAIA!
The DATAIA Institute finances the visit of visiting professors as a researchers or teacher-researchers.
The DATAIA Institute offers support for the organization of workshops and conferences in data science, artificial intelligence and society.
Université Paris-Saclay has launched a call for applications for 15 fellowships out of 40 possible PhD topics on the theme of "AI and Uncertainty", which will close on Wednesday January 17, 2024 at 23:59 CET.
The four main AI institutes in the Paris region (DATAIA, Hi! PARIS, PRAIRIE and SCAI) are launching an annual call for projects dedicated to doctoral research.
The DATAIA Institute supports data science and AI research (including computer science, mathematics and the human and social sciences) in Paris-Saclay University labs and makes a call for “Master 2 Students’ Internships” projects yearly.