[🔴 CLOSED CALL] Call for DATAIA fellowships 2025

[🔴 CLOSED CALL] Call for DATAIA fellowships 2025
- Selection procedure
- Eligibility
- Expectations/Commitments
- Funding
For all inquiries, please contact submission-dataia@inria.fr.
Submission deadline: January 20, 2025, 23:59 (Paris time)
Result Notification : March 3, 2025
Proposals must include a scientific description of the project and a financial appendix. Only complete proposals submitted by the deadline will be considered.
Proposal format
Project leaders must submit a document containing the following information:
ACRONYM and project title ;
Names of laboratories and project leaders and their contact details;
Names of laboratories (or teams) at the convergence institute that will receive funding;
Names and contact details of scientific and administrative managers in each DATAIA partner laboratory (team) receiving funding;
Duration and projected start and end dates of the project;
Description of the scientific project (5 pages maximum, including references, Arial 11, single-spaced). The description should specify:
- Project background and state of the art;
- Objectives of the research work;
- Innovative features, challenges and added value of the project;
- Criteria for success;
- Possible areas of further research;
- Areas of application, as well as relevance to the Institute's overall objectives and challenges.
The following criteria will be used to evaluate the project:
Scientific excellence ;
Synergy between partner institutions;
Potential impact of the application on the chosen subject.
All applications must be submitted on the CMT platform https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/DATAIAFellowships2025
The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.
This call is reserved for teams within the scope of the DATAIA convergence institute. Only laboratories belonging to the partner institutions listed in the funding agreement may be project leaders and managers of the allocated funds (see appendix 2). Consortia may have partners outside DATAIA's founding members, but these will not be entitled to funding. Total funding for this call is €600,000, with maximum funding per project of €120,000/post-doc and €75,000 to fund 50% of a PhD contract.
Priority will be given to projects hosted by two different institutions (see appendix 2) and two different DATAIA laboratories.
This 2024 call aims to stimulate excellence in AI and data science research at the Paris-Saclay University. The amount of funding allocated will be €120,000 and will fund only one of the following:
A doctoral thesis;
A post-doctoral student.
When the project is accepted, the CVs of the selected post-doctoral and doctoral students must be sent to the Convergence Institute as soon as possible. Candidates selected for thesis funding must have the agreement of doctoral schools to obtain these positions. Project leaders undertake to use the funding described in the project proposals validated by the DATAIA steering committee and to report annually on scientific activity and expenses. At the end of the project, they will provide the DATAIA Institute with a report summarizing the achievements and listing all publications produced and submitted as a result of the funding received.
All recipients of Convergence Institute support must include the following statement
in all scientific communications related to funded activities:
This research was supported by the DATAIA Convergence Institute as part of the Future Investment Program (ANR-17-CONV-0003) managed by [DATAIA Partner] XXX.
If, after analysis of the annual reports, the Convergence Institute considers that the funding has not yet been used in accordance with the objectives set out in the project proposals, reimbursement may be requested. Likewise, unused funds will be claimed by the DATAIA institute and reimbursed by the partner institution.
Selected research projects are funded for a maximum period of 2 years, and funding will be available from September 2025. The allocation must be used before 12/31/2027.