DATAIA-JST International Symposium on Data Science and AI

DATAIA-JST International Symposium on Data Science and AI
- Le programme de l'événement
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Près de 150 personnes, acteurs de la recherche en sciences des données, ont participé à ce symposium, parmi lesquelles les directeurs de recherche des programmes prestigieux CREST de la JST : "Advanced Core Technologies for Big Data Integration" et "Advanced Application Technologies to Boost Big Data Utilization for Multiple-Field Scientific Discovery and Social Problem Solving" (équivalents des lauréats ERC senior au Japon) ainsi que les superviseurs de ces programmes : le Pr. Kitsuregawa, le Pr. Tanaka avec le Pr. Hagita superviseur du programme "Intelligent Information Processing Systems Creating Co-Experience Knowledge and Wisdom with Human-Machine Harmonious Collaboration"
Mardi 10 juillet
- 9h30 : Opening Speeches - Patrick Garda (MESRI) & Toshihiko Horiuchi, Minister (Embassy of Japan in France)
- 9h45 : Symposium DATAIA and CREST Program Introduction: Scope & Objectives - Nozha Boujemaa (Director of DATAIA Institute, Research Director Inria) & Masaru Kitsuregawa (Director General, National Institute of Informatics / Professor, The University of Tokyo)
- 10h30 : Keynote "Bayesian Machine Learning" - Eric Moulines (professeur au Centre de mathématiques appliquées de l’École polytechnique, membre de l'Académie des Sciences)
- 11h00 : Coffee-Break
- 11h30 : Keynote "Shallow and Deep learning at TAU" - Marc Schoenauer (directeur de recherche Inria)
- 12h00 : Oral Plenary Session
- Tatsuya Harada (The University of Tokyo) - Harada Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "Recognition, Summarization and Retrieval of Large-Scale Multimedia Data"
- Gaël Varoquaux & Nicolas Prost (Inria, Institut DATAIA) : "MissingBigData: missing data in the big data era"
- 12h30 : Lunch Cocktail
- 14h00 : Oral Plenary Session
- Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo Institute of Technology) & Osamu Tatebe (University of Tsukuba) - Matsuoka Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "EBD: Extreme Big Data – Convergence of Big Data and HPC for Yottabyte Processing"
- Philippe Caillou, (LRI - Institut DATAIA) : "Valorisation of Data for Job Research (VADORE)"
- Masato Oguchi (Ochanomizu University), Seigo Arita (INSTITUTE of INFORMATION SECURITY), Yoshiko Yasumura (Waseda University) & Sari Handa (INSTITUTE of INFORMATION SECURITY) - Yamana Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "Secure Data Sharing and Distribution Platform for Integrated Big Data Utilization"
- Célia Zolynski (UVSQ - Institut DATAIA) & Nicolas Anciaux (Inria - Institut DATAIA) : "RGPD and Personal Cloud: from Empowerment to Responsibility (GDP-ERE)"
- Florence d'Alché-Buc (Telecom ParisTech) : "Structured Output Learning with Abstention: application to opinion prediction"
- 15h30 : Coffee-Break
- 16h00 : Oral Plenary Session
- Teruaki Hayashi (The University of Tokyo) - Yamanishi Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "Knowledge Structuring for Cross-disciplinary Data Exchange and Collaboration"
- Bertrand Thirion (Inria) : "Toward rigorous e-science: statistical inference on high-dimensional models"
- Masaya Saito (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics) - Nishiura Team (CREST Bigdata Applications) : "Detecting premonitory signs and real-time forecasting of pandemic using big biological data"
- Claire Nédellec (MaIAGE-INRA) : "Ontology-based text mining for microbiology research"
- 17h00 : Break-Out Session
- 18h00 : End
Mercredi 11 juillet
- 9h30 : Keynote - Norihiro Hagita (Board Director, Director, Intelligent Robotics and Communication Laboratories, Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International)
- 10h00 : Keynote "AI and HCI - Towards Human-Computer Partnerships" - Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (Professeur d'Informatique à l'Université Paris-Sud et membre senior de l'Institut Universitaire de France)
- 10h30 : Keynote - Yuzuru Tanaka (Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University)
- 11h00 : Coffee-Break
- 11h30 : Oral Plenary Session
- Koichi Kise (Osaka Prefecture University) & Olivier Augereau (Osaka Prefecture University) - Kise Team (CREST Intelligent Information Processing) : "Quantified Learning by Deeply Sensing Learner's Behavior"
- Laurence Devillers (LIMSI-CNRS - Institut DATAIA) : "Bad Nudge - Bad Robot ? : Nudge and Ethics in human-machine verbal interaction"
- Yuji Matsumoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology) & Ken Satoh (National Institute of Informatics) - Matsumoto Team (CREST Bigdata Applications) : "Knowledge Discovery through Structural Document Understanding"
- Pierre Zweigenbaum (LIMSI) : "Natural Language Processing for e-Health"
- Yutaka Yoshimoto, Deputy Director General (METI)
- 12h30 : Lunch Cocktail
- 14h00 : Oral Plenary Session
- Albert Bifet (LTCI) : "Machine Learning for Data Streams"
- Cédric Gouy-Pailler (CEA - Institut DATAIA) : "StreamOps : Open Source Platform for Research and Integration of Algorithms for Massive Time Series Flow Analysis"
- Naoki Katoh (Kwansei Gakuin University) & Chako Takahashi (Tohoku University) - Katoh Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "Foundations of Innovative Algorithms for Big Data"
- Hossam Afifi (Télécom SudParis - Institut DATAIA) : "PEPER: prediction of prosummers with reinforcement deep learning"
- Takemasa Miyoshi (RIKEN) - Miyoshi Team (CREST Bigdata Applications) : "Innovating “Big Data Assimilation” technology for revolutionizing very-short-range severe weather prediction"
- 15h30 : Coffee-Break
- 16h00 : Oral Plenary Session
- Shuichi Onami (RIKEN) & Koji Koyamada (Kyoto University) - Onami Team (CREST Bigdata Applications) : "Data-driven analysis of the mechanism of animal development"
Vincent Fromion (MaIAGE, INRA, Université Paris-Saclay) : "Representation of biological data, information and knowledge: opportunities offered by systemic biology"
- Masayuki Hirafuji (The Universiy of Tokyo) & Guo Wei (The Universiy of Tokyo) - Hirafuji Team (CREST Bigdata Applications) : "Knowledge Discovery by Constructing AgriBigData"
Hervé Monod (MIA department, INRA) : "#DigitAg, the French Digital Agriculture Convergence Lab"
- 17h00 : Break-Out Session
- 18h00 : End
Jeudi 12 juillet
- 9h30 : Oral Plenary Session
- Christophe Prieur (Telecom ParisTech) : "HistorIA : Large historical databases. Data mining, exploration and explicability"
- Takeaki Uno (National Institute of Informatics) & Kunihiro Wasa (National Institute of Informatics) - Uno Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "Data Particlization for Next Generation Data Mining"
- David Restrepo Amariles (HEC Paris) : "Smart Lawyer: Rating Legal Services in the Courtroom"
- 10h30 : Coffee-Break
- 11h00 : Oral Plenary Session
- Shunichi Koshimura (Tohoku University) - Koshimura Team (CREST Bigdata Applications) : "Establishing the most advanced disaster reduction management system by fusion of real-time disaster simulation and big data assimilation"
- Gregory Blanc & Mustafizur Shahid (Télécom SudParis) : "Machine Learning Based Intrusion Detection System for IoT Network"
- Masaharu Munetomo (Hokkaido university) - Aida Team (CREST Bigdata Core technology) : "Optimal Resource Selection in Application-Centric Overlay Cloud Utilizing Inter-Cloud"
- 11h45 : Wrap-up Discussion - Nozha Boujemaa & Masaru Kitsuregawa
- 12h45 : Closing of the event
Photos : © Inria - Institut DATAIA – Charlotte Romer
Pour toute question relative au droit à l'image :
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Philippe Caillou : "Valorisation of Data for Job Research (VADORE)"
Florence d'Alché-Buc : "Structured Output Learning with Abstention: application to opinion prediction"
Harada Team : "Recognition, Summarization and Retrieval of Large-Scale Multimedia Data"
Yamanishi Team : "Knowledge Structuring for Cross-disciplinary Data Exchange and Collaboration"
Claire Nédellec : "Ontology-based text mining for microbiology research"
Yamana Team : "Secure Data Sharing and Distribution Platform for Integrated Big Data Utilization"
Marc Schoenauer : "Shallow and Deep learning at TAU"
Gaël Varoquaux & Nicolas Prost : "MissingBigData: missing data in the big data era"
Bertrand Thirion : "Toward rigorous e-science: statistical inference on high-dimensional models"
Célia Zolynski & Nicolas Anciaux : "RGPD and Personal Cloud: from Empowerment to Responsibility (GDP-ERE)"
Hossam Afifi : "PEPER: prediction of prosummers with reinforcement deep learning"
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon : "AI and HCI - Towards Human-Computer Partnerships"
Albert Bifet : "Machine Learning for Data Streams"
Laurence Devillers : "Bad Nudge - Bad Robot ? : Nudge and Ethics in human-machine verbal interaction"
Vincent Fromion : "Representation of biological data, information and knowledge: opportunities offered by systemic biology"
Cédric Gouy-Pailler : "StreamOps : Open Source Platform for Research and Integration of Algorithms for Massive Time Series Flow Analysis"
Hirafuji Team : "Knowledge Discovery by Constructing AgriBigData"
Katoh Team : "Foundations of Innovative Algorithms for Big Data"
Kise Team : "Quantified Learning by Deeply Sensing Learner's Behavior"
Yuji Matsumoto & Ken Satoh : "Knowledge Discovery through Structural Document Understanding"
Miyoshi Team : "Innovating “Big Data Assimilation” technology for revolutionizing very-short-range severe weather prediction"
Hervé Monod : "#DigitAg, the French Digital Agriculture Convergence Lab"
Onami Team : "Data-driven analysis of the mechanism of animal development"
Pierre Zweigenbaum : "Natural Language Processing for e-Health"
Gregory Blanc & Mustafizur Shahid : "Machine Learning Based Intrusion Detection System for IoT Network"
Aida Team : "Optimal Resource Selection in Application-Centric Overlay Cloud Utilizing Inter-Cloud"
Christophe Prieur : "HistorIA : Large historical databases. Data mining, exploration and explicability"
Uno Team : "Data Particlization for Next Generation Data Mining"