
Results of the DATAIA Institute's call for 2019 research projects

Results of the DATAIA Institute's call for 2019 research projects

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Once again this year, many quality projects have responded to the 2019 call for research projects. The DATAIA Program Committee is pleased to announce the topics selected.
Corps de texte

Last March, 12 projects were submitted to the DATAIA Institute for the 2019 call for research projects. To be eligible, proposals had to be based on the collaboration of at least two people from two founding institutions of the DATAIA Institute, not belonging to the same laboratory or hosting institution. After studying the subjects received by the Program Committee, 6 of them were auditioned on April 15.

The quality of the proposals and the richness of the topics allowed the committee to establish a main list of 3 projects selected for funding, and 1 project was placed on a complementary list.

While waiting for more details on each of these topics, here are the titles of the projects and their carriers.

Principal list

Project title

 Name of the holders

Paper ID 9
Leakage of Sensitive Training Data from Deep Neural Networks

  • Pablo Piantanida (CentraleSupélec)
  • Catuscia Palamidessi (Inria)
  • Georg Pichler (CentraleSupélec)
  • Marco Romanelli (Laboratoire d'informatique de l'École polytechnique)

Paper ID 14
Warm Rules
Gradual causal rules detection in knowledge graphs exploiting time dependencies’ relations, contextual identity links and statistical methods. Applications to plant development in climatic warming preoccupation.

  • Juliette Dibie (INRA & AgroParisTech
  • Fatiha Saïs (Paris Sud University, LRI/LaHDAK)
  • Elodie Marchadier (Paris Sud University, GQE)

Paper ID 15
Learning for ultrasound imaging and quantitative tomography for the identification and validation of prognostic and predictive biomarkers in immunotherapy

  • Hanaé Carrié (CentraleSupélec)
  • Hugues Talbot (CentraleSupélec)
  • Nathalie Lassau (CNRS, Université Paris-Sud)
  • Fragksikos Malliaros (Centrale-Supelec)
  • Caroline Caramella (CNRS, Université Paris-Sud)

Additional list

Project title

Name of the holders

Multimodal Pedagogical Interaction with an Engaging Versatile Robot

  • Chloé Clavel (Telecom- ParisTech, Paris, France)
  • Brian Ravenet (LIMSI-CNRS - Nicolas Rollet (I3, Telecom- Paristech)


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