Webcast - Conference on Data Science, Intelligence & Society - April 7th, 2022

Webcast - Conference on Data Science, Intelligence & Society - April 7th, 2022
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DATAIA, the AI institute of Université Paris-Saclay is organising the second edition of its Conference on Data Science, Intelligence & Society, marking its fourth anniversary.
Corps de texte
Sylvie Retailleau, President of Université Paris-Saclay
Renaud Vedel, Coordinator of France's National AI Strategy Global Partnership on AI's Steering Committee co-chair
Provisional Programme
- 09h00 - 9h30 Welcome Coffee
- 09h30 - 9h45 Opening speech - Sylvie Retailleau, President of Université Paris-Saclay
- 09h45 - 10h15 DATAIA 2.0 Presentation - Frédéric Chazal, Director of DATAIA, AI Institute Paris-Saclay
- 10h15 - 11h15 Keynote "Conscious AI"
Moojan Asghari, Co-founder of Women in AI & Founder of Thousand Eyes on Me
- 11h15 - 11h30 Coffee break
- 11h30 - 12h00 Presentation "DATAIA & International Relationships"
Pablo Piantanida, Director of l'IRL ILLS (International Lab on Learning Systems) Lab
- 12h00 - 12h30 Talk "Few-shot Learning"
Ismail Ben Ayed, ETS Montréal (Ecole de Technologie Supérieure), DATAIA visiting professor
- 12h30 - 14h00 Lunch break with posters, demos of DATAIA projects
- 14h00 - 14h45 Pitch DATAIA Research Projects
- 14h45 - 15h45 Talk "From Machine Learning to Artificial Intelligence"
Léon Bottou, Facebook AI Research & New York University
- 15h45 - 16h00 Coffee break
- 16h00 - 17h00 Round Table "Foundations of AI for and in industry"
- 17h00 - 17h30 Talk "AI challenges "- Renaud Vedel, Coordinator of France's National AI Strategy Global Partnership on AI's Steering Committee co-chair
- 17h30 - 17h45 Closing speech - Frédéric Pascal, Vice-director of DATAIA, AI Institute Paris-Saclay
- 17h45 - 19h00 Closure Cocktail
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